The mantle of the Prince of the age

Knowledge increases accountability. Read at your own risk.

Satan didn't leave heaven nicely after his coup. With extreme prejudice, he was violently removed by a warrior.

He wanted the throne room for himself. In his envy and jealousy, he miscalculated beauty. Evil sowed its seeds, plotted, and planned; Lucifer drew the majority of the highest and most influential angels to his side. Lucifer knew his plan would work. He didn't move until the functional, mechanical side of the unseen answered to his slightest beckon. He leaned on titles and position, procedure and precedence; His plan was made with perfect consideration toward the way things currently worked. And if heaven were remotely static, he would have won. Evil has always mistaken control for progress and manipulation for generic growth. Due to Lucifer’s misunderstanding of progress and miscalculation of how glory proceeds from glory, he was blindsided by the power wrought from innocence. His takeover attacked a perfect place, an innocent place, and the deeper magic of innocence is that when affronted, it births an unfathomable resolve.

With equal consequence, he underestimated the way of the warrior. Lucifer saw Thee I AM as soft and unfit to rule. For the more one worships control, the more one sees freedom as weakness. Satan mistook Michael, the warrior angel, as over-privileged and over-hyped. With a double mind, he wrote off Michael's position while concluding that the high positions of his co-conspirators meant they were better. He thought their ribbons of honor automatically bestowed an increased amount of practical function when tested. And again, if heaven were even slightly static, his plot would have worked.

Lucifer thought that with almost every general and elite entity of the heavenlies, he was assured victory. He didn't understand that violation awakens volition. He didn't see how attacked innocence awakens terrible wrath. We must understand what he didn't, that while evil may perfectly plan & scheme with the highest position and authority, it never has and will never stand against the rage of innocence's wild intuition. The power that comes from one who is righteous and who in a brief moment turns and strengthens themselves can not be bottled, planned for, or deployed; this power and majesty is written into the entirety of the kingdom and universe; it is the stuff that topples tyrants and stands in the face of evil saying, “come and take it.” The carefully pressed uniforms of darkness's perfect plan are torn to pieces and thrown asunder by the dirty claws of the overflowing well of raw passion that come from innocence. While Satan made perfect plans and orderly calculations, Micheal and the holy host of heaven just roared.

Worship misplaced is the seed of the deepest rebellion. It should not be lost on us that the worship angel attempted to overthrow heaven; we should not glance over the fact the warrior stood. In our lives, we misunderstand, then over-emphasize the practice and place of worship. At the same time, we have largely looked over the fact that the very makeup of heaven is a house of warriors. We emulate and glorify the ways of the prince of this world who fell, yet we mock, scoff, and roll our eyes at the way of the one who stood. We stumble and envy our way to be fancy men with fancy titles; we know not the way of the warrior. We lift, work out, go on boy-like adventures; we know not the fury of a lion. We puff up and position, grasping for the honor of men; we know not the way of Heaven. We are not weighty; we do not rend the heavens; before us, darkness does not tremble. In Heaven warrior is one of Gods closest companions. In our life, we not only dismiss this aspect of the kingdom, but attribute its stewardship to darkness. In our pride, we miss why the lamb became thee, Lion. Just like it was before time, this misallocation has destroyed our ability to first see and then stand for, what is right.

While the worshiper sees deeply, the warrior sees clearly.

The three archangels should themselves be an indicator for how we organize our spiritual life, and while these three have an eternal amount of depth that could and should be explored for eternity, they are also simple. In their collective pursuit of beauty, one is a messenger - the builder of relationships. One is a worshiper - a declarer, a progressor. One is a warrior - brutally practical.

  • A missionary who doesn’t progress towards beauty will entrench themselves in the traditions of their original sending. If they do not know duty, they will settle and make an idol of their circumstance.

  • A warrior who does not support the declaration of or progress toward the mission of the growing beauty is aimlessly compromising and endlessly destructive. Without a forward-progressing beauty, there is no aim or purpose. Absent the power of mercy and without a mission, the warrior loses restraint and will destroy for validation. 

  • A worshipper without a warrior’s duty or a messenger’s mission is circumstantially useless and easily distracted by both themselves and the moment. Duty anchors the soul and mission anchors our vision. Worship misplaced ultimately ends in selfish glorification, useless unpractical pursuits, and the type of pride that comes before the fall.

When not aligned, all three will create a bastardized version of the other that has the trappings of the real thing but upon inspection will be found full of darkness and without life. We are great at spotting an out-of-place warrior; we are okay at spotting an out-of-place messenger; we don’t even have eyes to see the out-of-place worshiper. What is worse is that not only are we awful at spotting an out-of-place worshiper… or believe it is an issue… with our blinded hearts we do not think it is even possible to be an issue. This is because we operate under the mantle of Lucifer first; we see with the eyes and hear with the ears of the fallen prince; his ways are the first filter of our every thought and intention. And now, just as then, he & we, in darkness look past, belittle, and laugh at the warrior. Mufasa.

The biggest issue causing our misunderstanding of the warrior is that in our pride and glorification of Lucifer we know we are right; we don't, can’t, even consider another way than to write off and scoff at the warrior. We think we are above it as Lucifer thought he was above it. His fall from grace was his moment of enlightenment toward the way of the warrior. From how far will our pride cause us to fall? The higher our pride allows us to float away from truth, the more painful and consequential the ramifications of our awakening will be.

He is still all things, He is still a warrior. He is still leading you to be one.

Being ready and able to win a battle is the ultimate ability to impact what is real. One of our problems is we think of heaven as ethereal and not real. This is part of why we have missed this aspect of who The Father, Son, and Spirit are and who one-third of his archangels were. The Father says he is a warrior; that warrior is His Name. The Son says He, is a Lion and is coming with a Sword. The Spirit is sent to anoint us with these callings and mantles. Yet we still miss it. We still prefer the mantle of the fallen worship angel. We are still looking to impress, then be anointed by the prince of this world and the spirit of the age.

Noah was ready for rain though it had never rained before; Michael was ready for battle though there had never been a war. And we, in our pride, can't see past our lived experiences or preferences. The prince of this world's age-old lie is still belittling what is practical; the warrior. Satan is still glorifying himself and his title above others, and the church has bought it hook, line, and sinker. Just as our society is railing against true strength and demands unity by conformity, the church has followed suit; it is void of strength, it has seeded its power to the world.

You are deceived because you still worship Jesus. Do you? By what means? Under what mantle? What you are being awakened to is you are only allowed to worship our Father and the Son AFTER you worship Lucifer. The entire makeup, structure, and apparatus of the church glorify Lucifer first and the Father and Son second. This is always what Satan wanted! He was ok with giving Jesus all the kingdoms of the earth as long as he was preeminent. The entire way you think of who God is and what God does is through the filter and mantel of Lucifer. You only attribute to God the ways, character, and preferences of Lucifer. In doing so, you give to Satan what Jesus refused to when tempted. Lucifer always wanted Jesus to be worshiped! Just after himself! Lucifer was more than willing to give Jesus every kingdom as long as Jesus put him before the Father. You let God be a worshiper; sometimes you let God be the proceeding word, you never let God be a practical warrior. And because of the beauty and power of your worship, you, like Lucifer, anoint yourself a warrior. You and your church, just like Lucifer, know nothing about the ways of a warrior. You like Lucifer drink deep the deception that your worship is warfare. It isn’t. You and your church, like Lucifer are pathetic, a disgrace of bastardized strength and might. Your worship is warfare like a jet engine is a fighter jet. Yes, it can make lots of noise and sound like a fighter jet, but anyone who is unblinded can plainly see it can’t even fly. For there to be victory and meaningful progress, the whole completeness of the kingdom must be brought together in holy harmony: Worshiper, Warrior, Messanger.

Do you not see? That is what the mantle of Lucifer is! It does not seek to or want to erase God or anyone’s worship of God. Satan’s entire goal has always been to give the Father all the glory and honor in the whole earth as long as that glory is second to himself. And we have given Lucifer all he has always wanted. To be first. “Get behind me Satan.”

Repent, and turn away from the ways of Satan who still exclusively elevates himself above the complete and holy ways of the LORD of LORDS.

I tell you this with a heart full of tears, but I love you too much not to.

This is the way of Glory to Glory, with each peal of the onion towards beauty we step away from the fall and towards the restoration of all things. This understanding written here isn’t to provoke you to shame or guilt but towards grit and the volition of innocence violated. Do something about it.

  • My prayer for you is that you would be different than how you have been, different like our Father is different, That you would welcome this as a Saul to Paul moment, and that you may have many more, that you would be like His kingdom and would embrace Spirit of the warrior of heaven to be on earth as it is in heaven.

Where Jesus stood, where Michael stood, we have fallen.

Again, we have chosen to follow the prince of this world in his glorification of who he is above who He is. He is all things, The Father is a warrior, Satan is pride and knows only how to glorify his own way, his own position, and his own preferences. The I Am is. He is all things, and we haven't any excuse where we might deny it and be righteous. Rebellion against goodness often takes the form of worshiping our specific giftings and callings above the rest and fullness of heaven. This is the same spirit that tricked angels into following Lucifer in his quest for the throne. The church is still following the prince of this world, the prince that belittled and misunderstood the way and the place of the warrior. The warrior's place is at the side of the Father and out of the mouth of the Son.

The mantle of "what was" is a fool's rebellion; in delusion, the mantle of "what was" stands with darkness against "what is” and “what is becoming.” It refuses to move by the voice of many waters. Jesus is now the Lion of the tribe of Judah, and as thee lion he acts like a lion. Those who are still stuck on lamb will equally fight against Jesus now as those who wanted a lion 2,000 years ago did. They will hate Him and will call for His death.

As Michael violently removed Satan from heaven so must we wrench his lie from our lives and remove our allegiance to Satan's dismissal of the warrior.

It is a hard pill to swallow to see how we are still living under the lie of Satan's fall. Whether by knowledge or ignorance, there is none repentant who still ignores the way of the warrior. Our blindness towards this truth is as old as time. And it is only with this truth restored that the Spirit and the Bride might say, come.

Hold Tension, Be Vast.
Remember, restoration alone brings victory.

Goodness is Curious

