Goodness is Curious

Topics that are hated by both the Religious Right and Atheistic Left are so thoroughly suppressed one could quite easily live their entire life without even hearing of them. 

Goodness is curious because it is the very makeup and nature of goodness to include everything. It is the antithesis of goodness to dismiss something prima facie; darkness, not light, refuses to be interested in the process of discovery. Goodness gives thoughtful consideration towards the unknown. For me, the more someone does not want me to know or consider something, the more I want to know about it and consider what I can glean from it. Since the two groups mentioned above control almost everything, I have made a point to seek out the topics they clearly fear.

Topics like energy healing, the collective consciousness, and those discussed by Dannion Brinkley & Dr. Michael Newton are tossed aside by the mainstream right and left without consideration. 

Our addiction to projecting sophistication and our need for approval has broadly blinded us to the foundational aspects of, but not limited to, the aforementioned topics even when it comes to what we already know to be true:

  • Are we not made up of a bunch of energy floating on top of other energy? Though we know this to be true, thinking about reality from this angle feels foreign. If you took high school science, you know that you have never actually touched anything. Take, for example, when you think you have touched a chair; what has actually happened is that the atoms within your body have repelled against the atoms in the chair, and electrical signals have communicated the event to you. It’s all energy.

It is all energy.  

Do we not already communicate through energy created within an organ by one person that is in turn received through a different organ within another person, which then triggers electrical signals to be sent to yet another organ that sets off a multitude of other electrical signals allowing that energy to be properly interpreted? We call this hearing.

So why then is it so hard to imagine that we also communicate through the electromagnetic field our hearts create? The 40,000 neurons in your heart and the electromagnetic field it creates are not there for nothing, so what are they doing? 

The heart is not the only organ sending and receiving energetic signals. We used to think that old adage, “trust your gut,” was just a saying. We now know your gut contains around 100 million neurons and acts as a lightning-quick brain, roughly having the intelligence of a smart dog. 

It's all energy.

If we are a bunch of energy floating on more energy surrounded by still more energy, and if we were created in the likeness of the creator, mustn’t the creator who creates from their image be of this energy as well? Why then, is it so hard to believe that reality is a network of interconnected energy that we interact with in conscious/unconscious and scientific/spiritual* ways?

Action at Distance:

There was a time when we believed that sub-atomic particles communicated at the speed of light within an atom. Scientists were shocked to find that this communication between connected energy is instantaneous despite distance. Some have called it “Spooky Action at Distance” for a good reason. 

  • On the service, this discovery may seem insignificant, but with a little contemplation, one can easily extrapolate the ramifications of this finding.

How does one explain the countless claims of twins knowing things about the other across time and space? How do we explain away the numerous stories of animals knowing things they had no way of knowing in order to help people they love? How does one explain the thousands of cases of children who speak of a previous life, including the many instances in which they describe that life in such great detail that they go as far as solving mysteries? Have you considered, “There is currently more scientific evidence to the reality of near-death experience (NDE) than there is for how to effectively treat certain forms of cancer,” - radiation oncologist Dr. Jeffrey Long. 

We have been conditioned to be uninterested in what is undeniably at least very interesting topics. We have been conditioned to dismiss these topics before we even understand them, without even knowing anything about them. This is why it is important to have principles. Being an enlightened person looks like something. Being a self-blinded zealot also looks like something. Choose.

Here is the truth; there is a vast amount of evidence surrounding each of the topics listed above, but you have never considered it because you have never heard of it. 

Let's not let the Religious Right and Athiest Left determine our understanding of the natural world. I have found that both these groups vivaciously possess the characteristics they profess to so vehemently detest about the other; I have found the Athiest Left to be some of the most dogmatic bigots chained to their own set of “divine” beliefs, and I have found the Religious Right who claim to be people of belief and connected through relationship to have absolutely zero understanding of either.

 For me, I care far more for the truth than I do appearing to be sensible or for the approval of the experts.  

If you are interested in dipping your toes in, here are two books to get started with:

  1. Journey of Souls, by Dr. Michael Newton

  2. Saved by the Light, by Dannion Brinkley 

I encourage you to test what these books say, for surely these authors, like the rest of us, carry their own biases into everything they do. I encourage you to open your considerations towards reality to a larger and larger set of data. I encourage you to follow your ancient gut. I encourage you to go down many a rabbit hole without fear or favor. Anything less is to surrender yourself to an intellectual prison of your own making. Anything less is the same religious/dogmatic fear of something new that has crippled discovery and progress for millennia.

Goodness is curious because there is always more. There is no end to discovery, there is no end to beauty.

The great thing is that truth is a party! And our journey towards it is fulfilling in a remarkable and irreplaceable way. Enjoy it!

* As I have mentioned in other places, there is no little between science and spirituality. Many think of spirituality as some sort of magic or something super-natural. Nothing is magic, nothing is super-natural, everything is natural. Everything spiritual is real and will one day be accessed through observable science. Both spirituality and our process of scientific discovery are real, and both pursuits of knowledge lead to truth.

Hold Tension, Be Vast.
Remember, restoration alone brings victory.

We are still Jonah


The mantle of the Prince of the age