Pots of clay

What is good works.

What works is good.

Only goodness works

What is the purpose of the church? Ultimately to manifest heaven within every pillar of society here on earth as it is in heaven.

The church barely works. Where it does work, it is good.

The church is barely good.

Picture whatever a perfect earth might look like, the church makes almost no attempts to get there. For almost all churches being Jesus-Welfare is as impactful as they get. The church is academic-meditative-self-help, lights and “cool” music, sometimes it is even a form of holier-than-thou uber-weird bible worship. It isn’t glory to glory, it isn’t full of revelation. For goodness sake, Church has looked almost exactly the same for 2000 years. This isn’t the forceful advancing gospel.

Oh we tried gospel through fiat, how did that play out? Great right? We call that the dark ages. And while it certainly was not all bad, (it lead to the enlightenment) we can’t keep doing the same thing over and over and expect different results.

What is good works.

What works is good.

Only goodness works

The church barely works. Where it does work, it is good.

The church is barely good.

Hold Tension, Be Vast.
Remember, restoration alone brings victory.



It Matters because it Matters