
- Don’t read this if you are happy with where you are.

Holy. Different. Set Apart. Something more. Something new.

This is what we seek. This is what the angels sing.

Holiness is what we deeply desire: it is what our hearts forever long for.

The echo of the throne room for eternity; is certainly to be taken seriously. Holy, Holy, Holy.

All the tradition-obsessed bible-thumping Christians take note. He ISN’T like us. We must all get over ourselves and grow up; Holiness is everything we have ever wanted, needed, and been called to. It will lead us to a depth of fulfillment we thought was meant for the other side of our meat temple.

Sadly we have traded Holy for a rotting stagnant sea of sameness. We traded the exhilaration of a Holy adventure for a boring Frankensteinian conglomerate of man-made rules and traditions. We have sold the Holy set apart, ever-changing journey of glory to glory for our own version of a golden calf. We traded the thrill of personal relationship for death by committee. We abandoned His unique voice for the “inherent immovable” word of the council in Nicean and other like groups of dudes. We sold the beauty of the spirit for a book called bible and 30 pieces of silver, and with nails still in our hands, we look down to see our eager hammer. We left our calling to declare and work towards restoration for the predictable safety of condemnation. We traded in our Total Victory and convinced ourselves of assured defeat.

If you have ever had something feel so big and exciting that you were worried there was nothing left.. do not worry, it isn’t true. That is just your pride trying to become King by what you have already achieved. That is the same spirit that has long turned anointed fire into the striking of the stone. Put on humility and keep seeking. There is always something bigger, more, and if you can’t see it, it is time to shake everything up.

Holiness is where he is, because it is who he is. It is what he is doing and where he is leading you.

Holy, Holy, Holy is the ultimate pursuit. It is eternity future. It is what was. It is what you are being presently called towards. He is different, set apart; his ways are not our ways. It is all about more, something different, something new, a more beautiful place, a deeper dive, forever and ever; it does not end.

He told you. But you were not listening.

He said, “I still have more to say to you, more than you can now bear.” He wasn’t kidding, yet we have hardly evolved past the things he said before this consequential statement. Thee teacher is still leading us towards more; He still has more than we can now bear. There is always a new song, a yet further glory that is still proceeding. We have followed in the footsteps of the Sanhedrin, who at the time of the first coming, were still operating out of the same revelation as the prophets were 500 years earlier. Only Anna, Simion, John, and a few others had figured out what the unseen kingdom was really up to.

Again, we are no better. We keep “laying again the foundation” we are not listening for the more we are not even attempting to bear the great weight of what he wants to speak to us. We actively wage passionate war against more. Take a second, think upon the gap between the understanding of the Sanhedrin and the gospel. The gap between the foundation that was restored in the pages of the gospel and what we damn well should be able to bear by now is far greater. Each glory stands upon the shoulder of the former glory.

What the spirit is leading us towards would certainly not be a great weight if it were the exact same thing or even similar. Words with great weight are paradigm shifters; they are major changes. Let’s think about what these courageous apostles just went through when they were told there was something too great for them to bear; they just witnessed some carpenter teaching, preaching, healing, claiming to be the son of man, the Christ, they thought he would be an earthly king, then watched him get betrayed, killed and then rise again. If there were ever a group of people ready for some big new statement, it was these men. Jesus said he would send his spirit to deliver the message, that it was too much for them presentlyto hear.

This new message takes the same faith that the centurion had; it takes the faith and courage of Peter stepping onto the sea. It takes faith, actual faith. Not the bastardized version of faith where we demand at every turn to see the scars in his hands, to see the chapter and verse whereby the old mindset we are blinded. (Remember, Jesus quoted the O.T. almost exclusively out of the context of its contemporary understanding, and that satan has the whole damn thing memorized, and it doesn’t do him any good,) This message is Holy, different from what He said before. It always takes the faith of one who knows the heart of heaven; it takes the type of faith that is ready to hear the blasphemy of the throne room, for every further glory is always blasphemy to those who encamp tradition. Remember those who heard a voice crying in the desert, who heard a message that was not in a book, but a new word proceeding from the mouth of love.

And this will happen again and again and again; what comes after will be Holy, Holy, Holy. It will ever be a great weight. It will again be like the message of John the Baptist declaring the way of the Lord. It will be unknown and uncomfortable towards every idol and pride-filled tradition.

Do you think you are better, stronger or more able to bear the spirit of the lord than the apostles? You should be. But you are not; we are not. Even when we do muster the guts to listen, we hate the holiness of what we hear; like Jonah, we do everything we can not to deliver the message. But why do we so refuse? Because it isn’t what we wanted to hear. We want the message to be a prideful acknowledgment of the version of the kingdom we have built with ourselves at the center (@lucifer) (@me). We don’t want to hear what we can not bear to hear. So we look backward as He marches onward. We are still begging Moses to meet with God in our place, and if we could un-tear the Vail, we would. In the stead of this holy adventure, we line up to be gagged, spanked and spoon-fed by the BigChurch.

The forced conformity of BigTech and BigPharma are still playing catch-up in comparison to the suppression and self-confirmed religious purity demanded by the BigChurch and their goose-stepping street thugs. Their long ago anointed, now regressive and rotting arm reaches from the grave, still seeking to strangle the next glory through the influence of their modern-day tradition-possessed Pharisees.

Yes, possessed. Under the mindless, heartless, soulless, and strengthless banner, they and their followers have been taken over by the spirit of the age, they worship via the mantle of Lucifer first, and thee I AM second. Today we find ourselves still living by the revelations in the pages of the gospels, and we have things so backward that… WE THINK THAT IS A GOOD THING!

Let me put it to you this way. If your God is infinitely big, omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient, AND… if you are to be “like” him, and were created in his image, and seated at his table, and destined for his house, and have been given his spirit… If all that is true and he said he is going to give you his spirit so that you might be told more than you can bear, if he said you will do greater things. Then… extrapolate. Let me say it more simply this time. Let’s picture a line where God is infinitely to the right, and you are one inch from the beginning of the line. He instructs you to head towards him. And since he is a good God, we know this is not a fool’s errand. He says that he has more to say to you, more than you can now bear, and what do you do? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. You buried your talent, and when he comes to see what you did with it, you have nothing to show; you are in the exact same place he left you 2,000 years ago. Congratulations.

It makes absolutely no sense to have an infinite God instruct you to be like him and instruct you he is going to give you his very spirit so that you can bear a great weight just to have you interpret all that as him saying keep doing the same thing over and over and over and over all while hoping for a new result. It is insane to think God would declare a new wineskin, a new song so that there could one day be a newly restored kingdom, and we think we are operating out of his Spirit as we just endlessly drone in circles. This must end... It is up to us.

If He is Holy, there is forever more; if we are his hands and feet, the more must come through us; if He isn’t a lier He still has more to say to us; if we are a part of his kingdom it is up to us to advance it.

We worship the Holy-Bible like leftists worship the The-Science. Both groups took something good, then got all weird, controlling, and manipulative about it; both created an unapproachable bureaucracy whose only impact has become the measure of destruction towards the very beauty it once championed.

Scripture’s end comes at God’s end. Get over it. You ended his word; He didn’t. He promised more; you established a cult. He said, “Holy, set apart, different”; you made your own way with Hagar; you gave yourself over to pride.

What might be the worst aspect of this apathy is that the only place we have forcefully advanced (see individual liberty, see the USA) the modern church refuses to take part in. The church spends more time avoiding its destiny than it does even attempting to participate in it. This is why so many strong good men have left and why the church’s self-righteous halls echo with the uninspired applause of unthinking weak men and their subdued, shallow women.

Repent, you white-washed tomb. You have stayed at home in the time of war. But your heart longs for battle; your soul longs to be in the waves. Do not let guilt keep you where you are; it is a liar; you are forgiven, and you soar free. Yes, doubling down is a great dopamine hit, but it isn’t worth it. The good news is that God called a man friend who had someone killed so that he could sleep with his wife. Receive the forgiveness and friendship of thee I AM. The good news is, deep down, you know you have always wanted to bear that great weight. The good news is that you have always truly wanted to say, “here I am; send me.” The good news is that you are wildly loved and anointed to boldly lay claim to the voice of heaven, for the sound of progress has always been the voice of many waters.

It is your calling to bear the great weight of something new, something Holy. What are you waiting for? Stop waiting for permission; all those who have it… will never give it… and they will die in the desert.

These words, this message, will haunt you the rest of your life; you can not run from them. Enjoy.

Hold Tension, Be Vast.
Remember, restoration alone brings victory.

Our Graven Image


Pots of clay