The Land of Make-Believe

Spiritual people tend to discover something cool and new and then get all weird about it, start worshiping it, or make the new thing the whole thing.

So it was in the garden. The snake said something new and cool, and boom everything changed. We didn’t even think about running it by the old guy first. Just jumped in.

So it is with the Trinity. It’s made up. The 3 are not equal. Believing so is not logical, it’s not sensible, and it’s not biblical. Do they have a special connection? Sure. Is it triune? No.

Christians crack me up. They obsess about a book they don’t read and don’t believe.

Prepare for an offense response…

So it is with Jesus. All he did was point to Thee. And all we do is point to the make-believe. He made it about the Father and everyone while we make it about him and us. We opened up the top and closed down access to where we are. That’s not our job, it isn’t humble, and it’s not working. Sure Jesus is God, but so are you; He said so. But He never claimed to be the I AM’s equal, yet we insist that He is. But He insisted we are gods yet we hate those who just point to His words that declare we are. (John 10:34) Sure Jesus is God, but he isn’t the Father. Yes, He said if you have seen me you have seen the Father, He also said if you’ve seen a tree you are fully accountable to witnessing and knowing the Father. The tree in your yard and The Great I AM are not the exact same. Jesus isn’t Thee Great I AM either. Ascribing to Jesus what he never said he was or was trying to be isn’t worship, it’s weird.

Mistakes like this happen. I’ve done it. You’ve done it. And we will both do it again. And that’s ok. In humility it should be our goal to throw off the mistakes of our past in order to get to where we are going. We should be ready to do it again and again. What will be will always afront what was, therefore it is the duty of what is to listen for, or be the writer of, a new song.

One day we will realize: it was always the new song, it was always the ancient of days.

Hold Tension, Be Vast.

It is up to us

Remember, restoration alone brings victory.

It Matters because it Matters


We are still Jonah