The deeper the truth, the greater the tension.
The greatest truths hold a vast tension between two seemingly opposing ideas.
Hold the Tension. Be Vast.
We must celebrate our own internal diversities & complexities. I believe that we must be vast. We must face the fear of hypocrisy. In fact, hypocrisy is mandatory, for all noble pursuits create within them the unavoidable trap of their own failures due to the nature of their higher aim. We must create a new standard that can hold the tension between seemingly opposing ideas. Progress is on the other side.
It is with a heart tuned to risk that I dare to be vast. Through the prevailing wisdom which says to specialize with a narrow laser focus, I am here to be vast.
I am here to encourage us all to fully embrace our inner complexities and diverseness and to blast that beauty all over the world with abandon.
We may only be as Vast as the conversations we are willing to have.
Every era's most crucial issues will include observably true topics that can not be interacted with, not because of any lack of evidence or importance, but due to the walls of emotions and social pressures surrounding them. Voldemort.
These topics are so important to broach that it isn't an issue if those bringing them up are primarily wrong, for the collective brilliance of mankind will invariably cook down the matter into a fine broth of needed and new understandings. The crux is that there be one willing to start the conversation. I dare to do so; you should too. This is the way of progress.
The world doesn’t just need more of you, it needs more of ALL of you.
This page is here to speak to our vast ability to positively impact the world. This potential is either restrained or unleashed by our ability to hold the tension within truth.
Without intentional work to mature our understanding of the tension that lives within truth, wisdom will surely elude us.
Let’s do the work.
Our depth can in part be measured by how vast the list is of what we have trained ourselves to be impacted by. Music no doubt brings its own unique impact.
Recommended background music for the reading of this page:
Galeb I Ja - Oliver Dragojević & Hauser
One Day More / Who am I? - 10th Anniversary Les Miserables
Time / Cornfield Chase / No Time for Caution - Hans Zimmer
Nocturne No. 20 in C-Sharp Minor - Chopin
Rise of Skywalker Tribute / Star Wars (Epic Main Theme) - Samuel Kim
The Swan / Nessun Dorma / Benedictus - Hauser
My Way - The 3 Tenors
Rescue of Dances With Wolves - John Barry
My Spanish Heart - Chick Corea
Some text is linked to poems that have impacted me.
All things speak to all things.
Everything teaches about everything.
Anything missing is missing in everything.
Leave nothing behind.
Be Vast
There is only one way to be vast.
Become familiar with the Unknown.
Beauty affronts the average.
The average hates beauty.
The collective kills beauty.
From both nigh and afar, where your beauty shows most, you will endure the most.
This is the way of every true calling.
Even if that beauty stands in the gap.
Even if that beauty saves the collective.
Bring us Barabbas is the world’s response to every true mission.
Just ask Yi Sun-shin
You are not Vast if you almost always fit in.
You may be doing a lot, but be careful that you are not simply conforming a lot. Many who believe they are Vast are still drowning in the noise of group-think.
The gateway to being Vast is self-determination.
The more you think, the more you think differently, this truth is absolute.
We can be successful, OR we can be true to our calling and inner most self.
We can never be both unless Joy and Thankfulness dominate our daily lives.
Live Joyful
Live Thankful
Be Vast
More is a fire.
More burns what is, what was.
Become more.
Be more kind.
But only if you become more aggressive.
Be more aggressive.
But only if you become more kind.
Become more.
Please don’t burry your heart of fire.
Become more.
If you have burned for even a day, you know, with fire comes wild fire. With one, comes both, or you may have none.
Become more.
Where your fire burns wild, sow seeds anew.
Become more.
Set your heart ablaze.
Become more, more, more.
Have a mind of fire.
Burn, burn, burn.
Unleash scorched earth on fear.
Burn hotter.
Torch through the Unknown.
Hold Tension,
Be Vast,
Become More,
Who are you?
You are becoming.
The mess is the point.
Absent the mess, adventure is fantasy.
Remove the mess, remove the reward.
Take away the mess,
take away the meaning,
the joy,
the progress,
and the thrill of the hunt,
the smile that comes with the long day's sigh.
Embrace the Mess
Be Vast
The fool does the right thing to the wrong people in the wrong season.
The fool shows kindness to an active and emanate evil.
The fool is ruthless to those most in need.
The fool calls those in favor the powerless, and the voiceless the powerful.
The fool sees with the blind eyes of the collective who in their blindness say they see that which is whispered in their ear.
But ultimately the fool is weak. The fool cannot withstand the battle, the fool cannot weather the storm. Everything the fool does is fraud. The fight of the fool is as fake as their fortitude. When the good face the fool, the fool falters, folds and flees to mommy. Their strikes flounder and their resolve is found to be flaccid.
Flip over the coin of the coward and there you will find the fool.
The heart of the fool is fear. They think with fear, see by fear, hear with fear, live in fear. The fool is afraid… of you. And this is their one opportunity at restoration.
It has been said that the beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord.
Fear of the good and mighty is the hope of the fool, it is the fools one shot to right the ship.
The road to wisdom begins with the fear of the good.
When we leave room for the fool to blabber without consequence we remove their only chance at restoration.
Hold the tension. Yes, there is a time and a place for everything under the sun, but, to argue often with the fool is to become indistinguishable from them.
Wisdom doesn’t negotiate with foolishness. Wisdom doesn’t respond to the fool according to their folly. Wisdom flies above the noise. Wisdom holds the line, shines its bright light.
Be good. Be dangerous. Be vast. Do justly. Love mercy.
Forgo Comfort
Argue, Disagree, Confront.
Do so with excellence. Do so with passion. Do so with love.
We must break the stigma around conflict, for it is the seed to all growth.
Hold the Tension
How you respond to tragedies of your own making will shape you like few other things.
At that moment, turn and strengthen yourself.
Risking nothing risks everything
We know the names of those who have gone before us. Some were named gentleness, some were named steadfast, others were called merciful, still others were named rescuer, but all were named courageous.
Fear is a liar.
Be Vast
The inner peace you have always sought only comes when you stop running from all that you are
Please don’t get to the end of your days without answering thee question
Who am I?
Solve your problems.
It is that simple.
Though you walk the valley of the shadow of death.
It’s only a shadow.
And that shadow trembles before your identity realized.
I hope you get everything you have ever wanted… soon.
So you can realise it isn’t what you want.
Just ask Solomon
Be wild
You will know you are finding your true self when some of those who know you best are worried about what you are doing.
You dialed to 11 will fuck up.
You dialed to 11 will cause pain, for you, and others.
On your death bed you will wish you were dialed to 11 more often than you were.
Nothing shapes, sharpens, grows, restores, creates and enjoys more.
Live life to the fullest
Live life at 11
Everything is obvious.
The problem is that we mostly see with eyes filtered by the past and through the lens of others’ approval.
Collectively we are always fighting the last war.
The same strength that is required to be vast is the strength that is required to see, then say what is obvious.
The foolish will always shame the wise.
The Emperor always has no clothes.
When in doubt take up space
Be Vast.
Let the Blue Bird out.
It is true, from the strongest of the strangest come the few good books, the few good symphonies, and other works.
Some have said from the best of the strange comes… perhaps nothing. For a while maybe, a season, or two, or three… or four, sometimes more.
But ultimately, from the best of the strange comes everything.
Tea in a harbor, a ragged coat in the Lyceum, one star above three with ivory, a coil of electricity, a top hat and a cigar, a coon hat in congress, 8 weeks of furious flying, a declaration, an emancipation, a mission towards greatness, a new hope, a dream.
The Best of the strange hold tension… they take courage… they meet the world on the field of its choosing….
and then they win.
et tu
Everyone will let you down.
No one has what you are searching for.
You have what you need. You are what you need.
But it will take some digging, drilling, a at times some blasting.
Only where you stand alone are you the tip of the spear.
You get to keep what you must have.
Nothing more.
Never less.
Start with the end in mind.
Know where you are going. You are going to die.
When you look back,
you will wish you risked more,
done more,
gone for more, were more,
felt more, yes pain too.
Love leaves a legacy.
To do is to risk, to risk is to love.
Love does.
“Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.”
- Voltaire
In a wayward world, only the Vast will stand alone. No matter how obvious, no matter how evil, the narrow always yield to the irresistible siren of normality.
What you believe is always wrong. You are also always right.
The issue is timing.
Where you are right, in time you will be wrong.
Where you are wrong, in time you will be right.
There is indeed a time and a place for everything under the sun and therefore you are always right and you are always wrong. Its when, when, when.
Hard Times call for Hard Truths.
Toughen up, the wheel turns.
The Crowd Replicates
The Self Creates
Young wisdom knows how useless we are.
Deep wisdom understands the power of uselessness.
Greatness wields uselessness.
The refining fire of life burns in direct correlation to the level of honesty you bring to your journey.
What you leave behind gets left behind.
Bring everything. Fear nothing.
Be Vast
Why are you hiding?
Who are you hiding from?
Is it you?
Stay in the fight, refuse to let go.
In victory & defeat, make the battlefield know your name.
When you get there,
there is nothing there.
I am who I am.
Say it.
Say it 11 more times.
Are you ok?
To all who join the fray,
you are blood of my blood.
To the 9 who make the battle,
you rend the heavens.
To the furious 1 who brings the lads home,
I see you.
Who you are is the loudest thing you will ever say.
No one will pull the fullness of who you are out of you.
It has to be you.
There is only one honest self. Leave no stone unturned.
To embrace self is to embrace the divine.
To know yourself is to know the divine.
Being Yourself in harmony with the collective takes being vast, it takes holding tension, it takes courage.
It takes everything.
You will be known for how you make money
Pursue yourself
Be Vast
It’s ok to be who you are.
Do you even know ?
Hint: Who you are is even better than who you were on your best day.
You won’t always have more time.
We keep making the same mistakes because we don’t know the root of the problem.
The root of the problem is the abandonment of self.
If you knew how important you are, you would know how important the individual is. If you knew this you would stop making that same mistake.
How long did you fall for the last thing?
Without self realized, that is how long you will fall for the next thing.
There is room for your mistakes.
In fact, people need them.
Those around you won’t become who they need to be, and who you need them to be if you are unwilling to go hard at life, go hard at life at them, go hard at life at them with them.
Wisdom finds most mistakes mislabeled.
Wisdom isn’t two-hand touch, it isn’t an indoor cat.
Wisdom is full contact, it is..
The Lion
You will know you are on the right track when you start to fail more often.
Keep Going
We are all vast.
But sadly it is more comfortable to simplify our honest depth in a fearful trade for acceptance. We trick ourselves into thinking our even-keeled deminer is stoic and professional… We are hiding. The less that we are, the less there is to expose, the less there is for others to reject.
The more we allow ourselves to show, the greater the possibility is for pain and hardship. I promise you the rewards outweigh the sacrifice.
If you find yourself on this site you are likely more prone to wander. I hope you say yes to the journey of finding and being yourself. I encourage you to say yes to the adventure before you. Knowing still that the degree of adventure you accept is the degree of hardship you will face.
Go anyway.
never stop looking for it
Sound money causes cash to flow to value.
Fiat causes cash to flow to power.
Run after Value, not Power.
Pursing value brings the expanse of beauty you never new you wanted.
Pursuing power is a mirage in the desert; its rewards are not even there.
A close game is a good game.
Stop looking for blow outs.
Fools build a fort around perceived destination
Wisdom lingers in genuine journey
The greatest gift you can give to the divine is to think for yourself.
To live life as yourself.
What the divine really wants is you.
You can't cheat you.
You are who you are.
Be it. Be Vast
Words should have meaning, not power.
Give a word meaning, and it will give you understanding.
Give a word power, and it will take control.
In the deeper things in life,
when you hear someone say they figured something out,
most often you have simply caught them between their time of victory,
and when they will inevitably realize that they want, and yes need something more.
For Moses dies in the desert.
This is the way of glory upon glory.
This is the process of progress.
No matter how genuine or true,
be careful not to confuse a victory with thee victory.
You know when fear has taken root when all of your best stories happened longer and longer ago.
In such times do anything to do anything. Do something, just don’t do nothing.
P.S. Doing the same thing is the same thing as doing no-thing.
When in doubt, Fuck Shit Up.
The expanse of beauty is an endless ocean.
Beauty lingers, it is rarely the fastest.
Be careful how often you sacrifice beauty for function.
The end of that road is genocide.
Don’t believe what they say about me.
I won’t believe what they say about you.
Go to the source. Talk to people. Live Sovereign. Get to know your supposed enemy.
For you barely know your best friend.
You barely know your spouce, your kids.
You barely know you.
Without Rage, Rest is the imprisonment of every dream.
Without Rest, Rage is made thin.
There is more within you than you have ever even imagined.
Find it, Embrace it,
Be Vast
To even begin to understand your vast self, you must:
Dream Again
There is no freedom until we stop denying our depth.
Every denial is in itself its own unique and inescapable bondage.
If you don’t routinely take a stand in smaller things, you won’t take a stand when it matters most.
Start small, kindly confront someone who litters.
In time modernity will again lean on those who have stewarded their ability to do what’s right irrespective of consequence.
Real whistleblowers don’t get book deals, they get fired.
Real truth-tellers don’t get the protection of companies & congress, they get slapped with the full weight of the law.
Too many have been fooled:
Fighting against REAL injustice doesn’t get you rich, it costs everything.
You don’t need anyone’s permission to do what is right.
Be Vast
Free yourself
Lose yourself
Find yourself
Journey > Destination
You have been looking for yourself all along.
A finger snapped and 10 years went by.
What are you waiting for?
Be Vast.
If you’re going to try, go all the way…
…It could mean freezing on a park bench. It could mean jail…
…It could mean derision, mockery, isolation…
…And it will be better than anything else you can imagine…
…You will be alone with the gods, and the nights will flame with fire…
…It’s the only good fight there is.
- Charles Bukows
The deeper the wisdom, the greater the tension is held between two seemingly opposing truths.
Hold the line for Progress
Hold the Tension
Be Vast
In fear your heart will do anything for comfort.
Risk is the desire your heart is left with when fear is gone.
Risk is the path to fullness.
Fear is a lier.
Be Vast
We are all called to be an integral part in something big.
Something world changing.
Our inner Vast self is ever looking for it.
We will never be whole until we find it.
Joy = Vast = Joy = Vast = Joy
Remember, you have done similar things.
Remember, they don’t even know what they are doing.
Set them free.
Something is calling you.
How long has it called?
How many times?
Every lost heart is found in the UNKNOWN.
The situation you are in is because of your situation within.
Thankfulness brings the courage it takes to Be Vast.
Be Vast. See Vast. Lead.
Leading looks like something.
Leaders look beyond the surface.
Leaders see past the veneer.
Leaders Draw Conclusions.
Everything we see is evidence of something more.
Nothing is hidden. Everything is declaring the truth about itself.
Everyone is telling you something, everything, in all that they do.
While smart people may eloquently discuss the facts, that is not leadership.
Leaders wisely use what is seen on the surface to draw conclusions.
Know you never see it all.
Learn to add.
Be Vast
no matter how far we go
we can’t outrun what we really need
an honest conversation with desire
Do that too.
Be that too.
Go there too.
Risk that too.
Yes, that too.
Look no further, today is the day.
Be Vast