A Spartan Within

A continuation of the post: There is a Time

For good reason, every red-blooded American man looks up to the Spartans and other warrior cultures. Who wouldn’t want to possess what is necessary to steward the blessings bestowed by the countless courageous individuals whose incalculable sacrifice we enjoy each and every day? Who wouldn’t want to be the very wrath that wards off those who steal, kill and destroy? Like the infamous 300, there is something in us that knows there may be a time to defy an overwhelming force so that goodness might gather and make ready. We all know that there is indeed a time and a place to say, “Come and take it.” We are all innately and inherently drawn to stories of such men because we are all called to be just like them. We must quit the drug of boot-licking obedience and our sickening addiction to faux sensibilities that convinced us that this most fundamental and timeless calling has ended. The need for this type of man remains; the gap, and our miss, is the brave wisdom it takes to defy “our betters” who, like the bullies of every generation, seek to convince us to be weak & vulnerable men whose loss of sovereignty comes without consequence.

We love movies like: Gladiator, Braveheart, 300, Achilles, King Arthur, Lord of the Rings and so on. In those movies, do we revere the weak merchant who hides behind another? Are we drawn to the villager who wobbles away to the woods in hopes of finding refuge? Of course not; we watch those movies for the badass motherfucker who risks it all to stand for what is good and right AND has the ability to actually do something about it. For what good is it to have the clarity of mind to do the right thing but be found wanting in the means by which goodness might prevail?

We also like to look back at warrior cultures and see how each man brought a unique flavor to the battlefield. One specialized in a spear, another the sword, someone else a bow, another a war hammer. Each knew their customized and personalized weapon better than any conscripted enemy knew their mass-produced blade. We respect and revere ancient men who, in a time of need, gathered with their dear friends and brethren to rage against the dying of the light. When they gathered, evil either scattered or was tested by their might and metal; when they gathered, kings took note and measured the cost. Such men set the course of history.

This is the type of man you have always wanted to be. One of wisdom and renown. We should all have our own band of brothers, a group of close friends who are trained and diligent, who, with candles lit, stand ready to hold the line for our fellow countrymen.

Just like the founders of this greatest nation, we too know that our current rulers lack any special magic that might remove their ability to abuse those they supposedly serve. It is up to us to continue what the founders started two hundred and forty-six years ago, it is up to us to restore what the father of the revolution announced upon signing the declaration of our independence, “We have this day restored the Sovereign, to whom alone men ought to be obedient.”

Are there fewer evil men today?

Are there less evil governments today?

Then what are you doing?

Many are still ensnared by the slippery words of the snake that endlessly cry peace and safety.

Darkness always promises peace and safety as long as sovereignty is surrendered. Sound familiar? It should. It is the age-old lie of every charlatan/tyrant. (These two are always one and the same.) It is the sweet call of the Sirens, it is the knife of Delilah, it is the very nature and heart of a traitor, for betrayal stems from the foolish fear that trades sovereignty of will for safety of body… let that sink in… and then ask yourself; are you a traitor? Whose side are you really on? How much God-given sovereignty have you tossed away? How many pearls have you cast to swine? All surrendered sovereignty is a knee bent to a kingdom of darkness. All surrendered sovereignty gives power to the murderer, rapist, sex trafficker, thief, and dictator. There are no exceptions, not a one. Each betrayal is another step down the road from citizen to subject, subject to surf, and surf to slave. It is high time we right the ship.

Your sovereignty shouldn't be for sale; it was already paid for. For if whom the son set free is free indeed... and if it was for the sake of freedom, you have been set free... and if that freedom came at a great cost, how important might it be to retain, cherish, and father that freedom, that sovereignty? Now and forever, our heart knows that answer.

Darkness promises peace and safety in order to take total control.

Goodness leads us towards hardship and a journey in order to give us freedom.

Nothing has changed about the human condition. Goodness thrives or dies by the legacy of good and dangerous men. Evil doesn't care about your weight room stats or business acumen; it cares if you can kill. Yes, KILL. Get over it. That is what it is. Any aversion to this reality is a spotlight on a feeble mind and weakened wisdom.

Delilahs are still cutting short our wild strength, offering their alluring touch and femininity as long as wrath and volition are surrendered, as long as our God-given likeness to his warrior spirit is abandoned. You say men and women are different? We are. So stop letting your women steal your God-given sovereignty. Learn how to lead. Eve is still offering that apple, eve is still trying to convince you to trust a snake more than your eternal calling. Lead from righteousness, not from surrender. There isn’t a woman worth her salt that can’t, in time, learn to support her man who refuses to be disarmed and turned into the chattel and playthings of the wicked. Stop following. Lead her. (Be gracious, follow your instincts.)

In a time where most are stuck looking backward toward an innocent lamb, follow that furious lion calling you ahead. Wisdom finds everything in its season, everything in its time.

There is a Spartan within every man waiting to be trained, diligent, dangerous and ready.

Deep down, you and I both know this world hasn't seen its last tyrant. Deep down, you know you want to leave a legacy of goodness and might.

Maximus is calling. Leonidas is calling.

And your Braveheart is answering.

What are you waiting for? Your bloodline looks to you.

No one is coming. It is up to us.

Make Ready. Be Dangerous. Do Justly. Love Mercy.

Hold Tension, Be Vast.
Remember, restoration alone brings victory.

Die Free


Shame on the Police