The Missing Giant

Is it impressive to barely lift a 1oz weight… depends… what or who is lifting it?

If it is something the size of an ant, it is very impressive; we would call that ant strong because it is very small, yet compared to its size, it is lifting a huge weight. If the one barely lifting the 1oz weight is a person, we wouldn’t even call them weak; we would just feel bad for them; this pathetic and alarming amount of powerlessness wouldn’t rend scorn… it would garner sympathy.

The Christian Church is one of the largest and most well-attended institutions with dedicated members on earth. In the history of mankind, there has never been an organization so vast and far-reaching with such diminished manifest power. The space between the Church’s power-potential and its power-realized is the greatest gap in history. There has never been anything so large yet so weak, so massive, yet without consequence on the world stage.

The church is suffering from so many ailments, like third-generation wealth; it is having a meltdown. Like our most subsidized communities; it is lost without a cause. Beyond being a Thumb Sucking Sleeping Giant that is AWAL when needed, the Christian Church is fat and out of shape, addicted to antidepressants, and lives in its mom’s basement. But its DNA is good. Its bloodline is strong. It doesn’t have to take long.

There is a revival coming… but not the one the Church wants… the Church thinks the masses will realize they have missed the mark and come back to Church. This will never happen. Never. The only coming revival will be when the Church realizes it has missed the mark and rises up for the people. One more time:

There is a revival coming… but not the one the Church wants… the Church thinks the masses will realize they have missed the mark and come back to Church. This will never happen. Never. The only coming revival will be when the Church realizes it has missed the mark and rises up for the people.

It is coming… it will happen. The sovereign movement of the people of the earth, which is now in full swing, will not come to fruition without the Church. This revolution will come from the people within the church who iron out the overwarn cloth. It will not be established church leaders calling the people up; it will be the people who transcend their leaders.

Western nations, modernity, and everywhere the principles of goodness flourish require a united front. To stand against evils like Marxism, Keynesim, Fiat theft, Islam, mass immigration, etc., the realm of goodness needs its version of great houses and kingdoms to rise up together against Mordor. Yet, there is no unity, no vision, no strength, no fire. The alliance is broken, and the Beacon of Gondor lies forgotten. We have been divided and conquered. The old ways elude us.

What is the prescription that will restore the Church to its place at the round table of giants that safe keep the realm of men? First, any remedy or prescription is irrelevant until the problem is acknowledged. This acknowledgment is hingent on being able to even see that a problem exists. Any issue remains cloaked in darkness if there isn’t a light to expose it. To see an issue there must first be an understanding of what is right, there has to be a vision towards goodness and destiny.

Dear Church,

Jesus is nothing like you. You are worse than the Pharisees and Sadducees he whipped and preached against. His disrespect for you is greater than for the Sanhedrin. You have replaced the man, Spirit, God, and King with a book that is a worthless piece of shit compared to the very real Lion roaring for your soul. You don’t even know God’s mission. It isn’t to have people pray that insulting prayer you write in pamphlets, it is to establish a government on earth as is in heaven. Church! You have allowed darkness to strip you of THEE Mission! Victory is nowhere to be seen because, in the season of war, you are still at home; in the season of Lions, you are still petting lambs. The world needs a Lion! Where are you? Are you not his hands, are you not his feet? The mission isn’t a well-filled building empowering members… it is a government that empowers the whole land. Church, you are not where He is. Talking about what He did isn’t doing what He is doing. Talking about what He said is not saying what He is saying. You are not with Him. You are stuck in a closed Heaven void worse than the 400 years between the prophets and John the Baptist. ONLY a restoration towards his mission will rend the heavens and bring revival. Nothing Else Will Do. This has always been the word of the Lord.

Church, He is speaking directly to you, and deep down, your heart has always known it. Your holy mission is so much bigger, and it is full of battle and beauty. It will be the hardest thing you will ever do, and it won’t get done without you. It is your responsibility. It is up to you, Church. Egypt, The Desert, and The Promise Land are all options on the table. The whole world’s best future must have you. Who will answer?

Young men, your leaders will NOT lead you in the things that matter. They are masters at their craft. Masters at keeping your attention, masters at dragging you drugged towards meaninglessness, towards a cycle of sameness. A cycle where glory does not proceed from glory, a droning routine of Sunday church and singing songs but without GREATNESS, without greater things. Your leaders have removed you from Thee Story, His-Story, His Mission to establish just and good rulership over the whole world.

The church is INSIGNIFICANT on the world stage. Why? It should be like HIM, Evil should look at the Church with a Holy and Reverant FEAR… Evil laughs at you, as it should. Evil should shrink with fear and trembling when confronted by the Church; instead, evil is emboldened and spurred to take more and more ground from goodness.

How long will you suffer this disgrace?!

How long will you embarrass the testimony of the great men who came before you?

How long will you dishonor your King?

How long?

The times are more epic today than during any other time. The adventures told in every history book have set the stage for you Mighty Men in this hour. Who will dare? Who will refuse to comply with the church leaders you have been trying for years to convince yourselves are worth following? The Legacy of men who followed Jesus brought us the Renaissance and Enlightenment; it brought us the greatest nation in history, these United States. REMEMBER, BROTHERS, it was NOT the established leaders who did these things; it was the people; it was individuals who so loved their God and King that they manifested His goodness and greatest love on Earth as it is in Heaven. When will you stop following the pulpit and start following the DOMINUS INVICTUS?

The bell rings, A voice calls, A great harvest awaits. Who are you? Church, will you answer? Who will answer the mission to establish the dominion of goodness, brotherly love, and every virtue and higher aim? Who will answer thee mission to establish:



  • Warning. Here is the coming miss… When the Church gains real power there will be a faction that wants to toss aside how God treats the world for how they want to treat others. These selfish idolators will seek to rule from the spirit of the fallen angel, the spirit of Lucifer, whereby they elevate their position above the King of Kings and son of man. They will seek to punish sin with their chains and prisons; they will make themselves and their understanding of the law; they will forsake the process and the goal that for the sake of freedom, you have been set free. They will seek to destroy the first words of Jesus' ministry, who announced he had come to set the prisoners free. They will become obsessed with this or that and use their power to coerce obedience through the promise of position or threats of destruction; they will operate off from the mantle of the Prince of the Age.


Likeness First