It is all about who governs

The prize is government. Period. That’s what thee struggle has always been about. Power & Authority. That was what the fall of Lucifer was about. That was why Satan’s final temptation was to offer Jesus a kingdom. What is the kingdom? It is power and authority; it is a government. The enemy has always and has constantly been trying to steal, kill and destroy. Steal, kill and destroy upright and legitimate government from big to small. For everything darkness does, it does in a “30 front war”; it does top to bottom. What we are seeing is a tale as old as time. It is the story of the ages. 

How did God treat the shot at his throne? Well, he banished Lucifer (Now Satan) out of heaven.  And he began his campaign to destroy Satan. Satan wanted power and authority, so what did God do? He created man and gave manpower and authority to subdue the earth (the universe) and restore His Kingdom, and defeat Satan.  

We can't lose, only delay. And we delay what we are called to do, subdue the earth, and usher in his kingdom when we decline our calling to “go first.” When we decline our charge to be His hands and His feet. We delay His purposes when we decline our calling to be his sons and daughters who are created in his image and who have His Spirit. We are called to be like Him. We are called to rule. We are co-heirs. But co-heirs to what? To what He sent us to establish. His Kingdom. On earth as it is in heaven. We were sent to kick out the illegitimate authority, the faux government, from this earth. We have been sent to restore righteousness. 

Somehow many on the right and many Christians seem to believe that we can surrender our way to victory. This has never nor will it ever be the case. We A, need to know the enemy’s ageless tactic to steal power and authority, and B, own our calling to establish just government. 

We are lukewarm at best. Sadly we are more often Absalom's. We are even often Judas’. We surrender calling and destiny for 30 pieces of silver. Silver that is our comfort, silver that is our status for being reasonable. But the rooster will crow, and with its crow, we will each see our own betrayal of calling. 

We don’t see ourselves as consequential because our identity is not actually in Him. We don’t really believe that we have a place in history. We don't actually believe we are weighty; we don't understand our power and our calling to be great. And in this unbelief, we call Him a liar. He is not a liar. Each of us, We are royalty; we are kings. We need to act like it. 

For we can not serve God and the world.

Show me one consequential person in the Bible that was reasonable.

Lead like Moses, report like Caleb, love like Ruth, deceive like Rahab, negotiate like Esther, be loyal like Johnathan, fight like Sampson, fuck shit up like Shamgar, pray like Daniel, hold fast like Shadrak, be faithful like Mary, Love like John and believe like Peter. 

Be consequential; dance in the streets. 

Hold Tension, Be Vast.

Remember, restoration alone brings victory.

Under Cyrus at Best


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